The way to serenity and peace /

God In Disguise Of Man

Solitariness is the

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither left them be afraid. “

” Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Serenity is a word which is related to our spiritual life. No, it’s not fully true. Besides spiritual life we need to be drawn Serenity in all spheres of life , may it be sports and games, any kind of learning , in service life and obviously in worldly possessions. The last one is not our the subject of discussion. Though it’s very needful in journey to perfection. Through meditation we can reach at that state of mind. Hence what is the way to serenity and peace.

Actually the goal of meditation is to reach a state of serenity, when our mind is still and perfectly calm. Use serenity to mean the quality or state of being calm and peaceful.

The word ” Serenity” is derived from the Latin word ” Serenus” , meaning ” calm or peaceful” and adding English suffix-“ity” , meaning quality or state.

Our life isn’t bed of roses. We have to travel a tough way in our journey. So, when the going gets tough, that is the time to recognise that we are at the stepping stone of evolution and there is something that needs to be released from our subconscious mind , which is causing hindrance to our growth. Almost anything not working for us in terms of ourselves. Our behaviour, our relationship, our life situations, and physical ailments are only signs for us to realise that we need to pay attention inwardly and allow our energies to expand, and manifest whatever we desire. The power to change everything that we experience lies inside us . So be active and mindful.

The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday.

Always we should believe in ourselves . There’s an anecdote: A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Hence, it’s wise to be believed in ourselves.

It’s fact that we live in a world which is massively disturbed. Uncertainty for the future we bear in mind. We are to face lot of troubles to have our sweetest things. We fall, we again rise , we makes mistakes and also correct it . We learn through the hurdles. We are human beings and want to achieve perfection in our activities. We have been hurt , but despite we are alive – to breathe , to think , to enjoy , and to chase the things we love. Sometime we can’t get success . It wraps us with pain and agony. Unhappiness is the feature of the modern times. We ought to know that our life is not only for joy , it’s also for pain. There’s a sadness in our life journey. But also have a beauty in it. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we hurt , for we will never what is waiting for us just around the bend.

As we get older, we find out that true happiness is not in how much money we make, or how many degrees we have or how big our house is , or how fancy and gorgeous our car is . We then realize the meaning of our lives. We become enlightened and freed from small desires. We attain peace and serenity and feel divine touch of Mother .

All pains disappear then silently. We become a free individual having a state of peaceful and serenity mind. In this state of mind, we lose interest in selfish things and gain a divine light. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people, fear of society and of economic insecurity, even fear of death will leave us . We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that almighty God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Are these extravagant promises? We think, not. They are being fulfilled among us – sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, they will always materialize if we work for them.

We need serenity in our busy schedule. More or less, we face anxiety disorders , anxiety turns into panic disorders and gradually turns into mental illness . We are too busy in the materialistic world that we are not concern about our inside or inner world. Really we are wrapped up tightly with the outer sparking world forgetting our true self which is the room of God or Soul.

It will fair to say that we have little time to be engaged in retrospection. In Kali Yuga , we are living with food and of entertainment . Most of our times we are running for food, money, gold and bank balance. We totally go oblivion that there’s a room and a soul within us. Yes, we need money, food, but we can’t refuse our soul. But it’s also truth that we can’t practice spirituality without food. Sree Ramkrishna Paramhansa , the Master and great saint of India said once that religious practice is not possible with empty belly. Same words were uttered by Jesus Christ. As we can not refuge our daily needs, just as we don’t neglect of our soul – thrust or hungry. Can we ?


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