Let Set Go

Swami Vivekananda in Meditation

We love this earth and it’s true . We are always being trapped , and wrapped with worldly life, Get no space for fresh breathe , Gradually dying into honey and money . But in an one morning , we feel that we won’t to be captivated , We don’t have to get any further wealth, We desire only love of our nearer and dearer one, And touch of fresh air like our mother earth .

We don’t want to cry for power like an emperor , Nor we expect such fabulous welcome like an distinguished one from my

host , Only a tiny room and

some mediocre lunch and tea with breakfast for the day . Have a good bathe ,

and some fellow travelers

to roam distant places of our motherland ; To visit rivers and mountains , The people and their livelihood, Of various cultures ,And to make an hearty friendship, but nonetheless .

Never get chained with our family and friends, Don’t look behind for them .

March on forward for unknown path, Where for a long time , eagerly waiting your father , who is your real friend.

We couldn’t recognise him in the crowded path , Nor we notice him in the idol in temple, But He is omnipresent , and in all,

Seek him in the mass ,

He is the king of the kings,

beggars of the beggars , He is in you and in me, and us, And get friendship with Him for ever , Never forget in fame or in work .

We born for work , not for fame. So only love him,serve him , Sometimes rebuke him, lost him, But finally gain him , It’s all the same . You never enjoy anywhere , Nor even in heaven. Remember, what you see ,which you touch and which you love through your senses – All these are temporal, Don’t be attached with these , Only drive in deep ocean of love,

Otherwise, nothing gain.

Nothing fame for you.